TweenGMS 2 Beta 6!

TweenGMS 2 Beta 6 is now available for download!

This version improves overall performance. Macro settings have also been added to optionally strip out unneeded features, which can help improve performance even more. 

There are also various "quality of life" changes, such as TweenGMS' global variables being moved to a single global struct. This is helpful in decluttering things when using GameMaker's debugger.

With these things finished, it is time that I tackled the documentation! I would also like to improve the demo project. If you guys have any requests or suggestions for demo examples, feel free to send ideas my way. :)

See the log below for this beta's list of changes!

[Change Log]
-Tweens can now have an "unlimited" number of properties
-Function ids can once again be used as valid ease types
-Moved global variables into a single global struct named "TGMS"
-Improved performance by inlining TGMS_TweenProcess() in update loop
-Removed "@" array accessors used as temp fix (performance)
-Added macro optimisation settings for improving performance
  *Located in script TGMS_X_Settings
-Added optional "shorthand" string support for TweenSet()
  *TweenSet(tweenID, "$100", "~ioQuad", "#patrol");
-Extended "ease" string-handling to allow for optional underscores
  *The following are all acceptable examples...
  *"InOutQuad", "InOut_Quad", "in_out_quad", "io_quad", "I_O_QUAD"
-Readded callback support for built-in GML functions
  *Built-in functions only support up to 5 arguments
  *User functions and methods still support "unlimited" arguments


TweenGMS 2 Beta 6 (Requires GMS 2.3.1+) 73 kB
Mar 22, 2021

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